Solar Identification

Solar is the world’s fastest growing form of electricity generation. In Australia, more than one in three homes now have solar panels on their rooftops. Many other countries are following the same path.

It’s great to have so much renewable energy!  But managing solar generation, which fluctuates significantly in response to moving cloud cover, can be very difficult.

Many utilities have very little visibility on where all this rooftop solar PV is installed.  Our solar identification solution, Solstice SkyScan™, helps them to find it.

Illustration of identifying solar panels within a region


Solstice AI identifies solar panels to predict PV generation
Solstice AI’s proprietary technology analyses aerial imagery and detects solar with incredible accuracy. This is useful for utilities that need to better understand their customer base, and for energy providers that may be looking to identify opportunities for community solar programs.  We can even combine this solution with socio-demographic data to predict future uptake of solar PV. Knowing where all the solar is is also incredibly important for forecasting – for further information, see our Solar Generation Forecasting solution.


We are able to identify the size, capacity and orientations of individual solar PV systems and can scale up to entire regions or countries.  We can even identify different types of solar assets, like solar photovoltaic and solar hot water.

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